Minnesota Daily/ Photo assignments

Intern Photography work for the Minnesota Daily and photo assignments while being a student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. ( Link to full articles by clicking on photo)

Sun pulls a tarot card and shows it to his client Zavon who is receiving a reading Dec. 15 The card is the Dominion Two of Wands. This card represents being in a in a state of mind which allows him to fulfill his needs and chase his destiny. ( Jasmi…

Sun pulls a tarot card and shows it to his client Zavon who is receiving a reading Dec. 15 The card is the Dominion Two of Wands. This card represents being in a in a state of mind which allows him to fulfill his needs and chase his destiny. ( Jasmine Webber)

Sun reading from his Buddah Wisdom Shakti Power Guidebook Dec. 14 This book presents sacred figures from the Buddhist and Hindu pantheon of deities to help people with their earthly challenges. ( Jasmine Webber)

Sun reading from his Buddah Wisdom Shakti Power Guidebook Dec. 14 This book presents sacred figures from the Buddhist and Hindu pantheon of deities to help people with their earthly challenges. ( Jasmine Webber)


Studio Shoots

